
is the capital of the PCI. Ottawa is the capital of
Canada, and Ankara is the capital of Turkey. The PCI, Canada, and Turkey share a healthy international relationship,
so here in the spirit of international cooperation are weather forecasts for Ottawa and Ankara.
This is the Government Website of the Principality
Of The Coral Islands. We offer online services to citizens of the PCI as well as those wishing to travel or do business
here. Thank you for coming to visit us.
On this site you will find information about the way of life in the PCI; from
the recent reforms in timekeeping, to what languages Coralians are speaking, to everyone's favourite sport: The Roku-Rings.
There is also information about the geography and the government of the Principality Of The Coral Islands. We hope that you
enjoy your online visit, and we look forward to serving you in person at one of our government bureaus.
Map Of The PCI |
Click On The Thumbnail Above To View The Full Map |
Explore the PCI! Click on this picture of the famed Public
Gardens in the capital city to visit the Tourism Page. You will find information that every adventurer should know; including
how to get to the PCI, what to see while you are there, and some helpful hints for getting the most out of your vacation.
By clicking on the pictures on the Tourism Page you can make them appear actual size. Even if you cannot come to the PCI,
you can put the PCI on your desktop!
PCIWeb Updates:
Oct. 4, 200V: The gateway page has been redesigned to make it even more accessible for you.
Oct. 3, 200V: In response a national referendum the PCI will be returning to a Constitutional
Monarchic system. The Parliament Page and Prince Turtlecrest Page have been appropriately updated.
June 1, 200V: The gateway page has undergone a major overhaul. It now includes weather information
for some international cities.
Mar. 9, 200V: The gateway page has been redesigned.
Mar. 8, 200V: For the convenience of multilingual guests, a dictionary has been added to the gateway
Jan. 6, 200V: The Parliament has met again for the first time since the election in December. Kie
Turtlecrest was reelected Principal by acclimation, the first Member of Parliament to be universally endorsed.
Nov. 21, 2004: Disturbing new information regarding the eating habits of Coralians has prompted
a new page on the importance of eating breakfast. Click here to visit it.
Nov. 2, 2004: Principal Kie is hosting world leaders from around the globe this week at the Summit
On Green Energy in Päs.
Sept. 18, 2004: The homepage has been updated.
Mar. 4, 2004: New to the Census Page~ There is now a link on the Census Page to the annual report
on the most popular names given to newborns in the PCI.
Mar. 1, 2004: The latest Census has been released! The section of the Census regarding language
use in the PCI has been added to the website. Click here to visit it.
Feb. 2V, 2004: The Festival Of The Rings page is now ready! Visit the page to find out about
the sporting and entertainment event of the year. Click here to visit it.
Feb. 23, 2004: The pictures on the main page are now clickable and link to pages that relate
to them.
Feb. 20, 2004: The PCI Website is now operational!
Feb. 18, 2004: The Government Of The PCI vows to create a website.