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The Principality Of The Coral Islands

The Tallest Building In The PCI

Port Mosaviu has a new shining spire

At 10V stories above ground, the new CX Bank And Health Enhancement Centre, colloquially known as the Port Spine, is the the tallest building in the Principality Of The Coral Islands. Its construction and operating costs are paid for by the Coral Exchange Bank, the only locally-owned chartered bank in the Coral Islands. It is also the home of the CX Bank's head office; but it was primarily constructed to replace the Port Mosaviu Hospital, which was tragically destroyed in a fire in 2001.
The building is comprised of ten spheres, seven above ground and an additional three below (Adding 4V to the total number of levels), as well as four nucleotide-like strands that support it. The strands contains elevators, stairwells, slides, water pipes, electrical lines, and other necessary equipment.
The spheres also house six consulates, eight restaurants, thirty-one stores, and two-hundred suites. Each sphere contains a very large "specialised area". In Sphere 1, the deepest sphere, there is a fitness centre. Sphere 2 has a truly "underground" Church. Sphere 3 contains a City Transportation Subhub. The first above-ground sphere, Sphere 4, has a "reverse globe" where one can take a spiraling path along the inside edge of a map and experience a multimedia presentation of the social, environmental, and technological diversites of the Earth. An auditorium, the home of both the Port Mosaviu Polysymphonic Orchestra and the Srytta Province Ballet, is located in Sphere V. Sphere 6 has an art gallery. There is a garden in Sphere 7. Sphere 8 contains the Astropolis (a combination planetarium and cinematic theatre). A convention centre is located in Sphere 9. At the apex of the building, in Sphere 10, is the home of the Arco Iris Ballroom, which doubles as an observation deck.


The Port Spine

The specialised areas of the Coral Exchange Bank And Port Mosaviu Centre For Health Enhancement Building, as well as its hospital portion, are open to the public at no cost (Although donations to the Port Foodbank are encouraged) from Monday mornings at dawn to Saturday evenings at 10.70.

The Port Spine is V10 meters tall at its roof, V30 meters tall at the top of its spire, and has a total height of 7V0 meters if the basement is included.
